I feel like I'm dancing at a Jr High dance(there I go showing my age), I'm not sure how to do it and I'm not sure I'm doing it right. Maybe it's more like kissing for the first time. On second thought, did I ever think the gal, that I first kissed, thought she was doing it right? She probably stood in front of her David Cassidy (there I go showing my age again), poster with a pillow in her arms making lip-cial expressions somewhere near or into the pillow. And IF that gal knew how to do it right, OMG! Well, that little piece of universal curiosity is solved. Neither of us knew how...
Since I don't know how, I'll just dive in...I can spell and, MOST of the time, not finish phrases with a preposition.
How about this? My daughter got her first tatt today. REALLY? My ex, her mother, came unglued at the news of the mutilation.
I didn't have a problem with it other than she is still on the fatherly-dole and should have asked if the money could be used for purposes. Such as solving her own personal budget crises, for lack of a job and being in college. But she didn't ask if I could have used the money to pay for her car tags for 2011, so life goes on, sometimes. (prepositional correction)
So my prior posted/blog entry or blentry addressed to a Mr. Jason Whitlock of the KC Star, was an unintelligible response meant to address some sophomoric name calling Mr. Whitlock was engaged in while writing. And the blog page took out all my pertinent formatting, so it looks like the handiwork of a troll. Which are by the way the creation of the Norse.
Having given Mr. Whitlock's words more thought this evening I wondered if his composition wasn't really meant for other means.
What were those?
I noticed that Champion of All (add your own noun) title wasn't given as an appellation to Srs. Jackson and Sharpton. If the Srs are, indeed, guilty of distortion and demagoguery in past raves, what saved them from being called names. I'm guessing Mr. Whitlock wasn't interested in dissing the poli'bros.
I did notice he thought that President Barack could bring folks together as a hope of the President's natural childlike goodness. When in fact there is little in the President's recent history that shows he has any empathy for understanding terms of the other side or in some cases even considering them. But in retrospect, didn't the past two presidents act that way as well?
I think President Obama feels a bit of entitlement that he can do as he chooses and those that stand in his way are accursed nay-sayers. Oh, by the way President Obama, thanks for not raising my taxes this past year. Can you answer: How soon should I expect that I should have to pay more taxes though?
I noticed that Mr. Whitlock didn't choose to take Mr. Jackson and the Honorable Mr. Sharpton task for race baiting over the past 20 years. For example, Mr. Sharpton calling folks white-hoods. But in fact they're folks who like, Pres. Obama attend/ed church, and like Pres. Obama only mean well, but for their differing opinion are game day bait because they won't lower themselves to a level of whorish debate. So this makes good natured folks on both sides innocent victims of idiotic name calling for nothing better than to boost the name caller's ego or political position.
If there is a contention that folks like Mr. Jackson and Mr. Sharpton speak truth, because they're wholesome speakers of truth, then maybe others think Mr. Beck speaks truth for his belief that Mr. Obama embraces Socialism. If they believe this, maybe education is in store not reverse name calling.
It seems that to resonate anymore you have to beat down the other side, and what better way to do that than call your opponent 'Stupid', 'Hater' or 'Socialist'.
Oh, BTW Mr. Bill Moyers, Mr. Glen Beck hasn't and probably won't call the Chairman of the FCC a Communist, so putting those words out there on Mr Beck's lips are your responsibility not Mr Beck's. Mr Moyers, you should apologize, but you won't because you're off the air, you can put distortion out there and not have to answer for it.
I believe the next step for the left-leaning voters is to call Mr. Beck the latest McCarthy incarnate for accusing well-intentioned Democratic representatives of the heinous title of being a 'socialist.'
Do I think it's fair considering many Liberal folk called Mr. Bush 'Stupid'? And no one asked them about their indecent speak about the Presidency by contending "Well, he is Stupid." Well, then we know President Obama does have a political agenda. Folks on the conservative perspective believe that government intervention is Fascism or Socialism. Has anyone asked Mr Obama if the title sickens him? No, folks are too afraid the President's lap dog press will lit into them as the commentarial intruders and chase them from the room.
If I had the choice of not calling anyone names and calling them names, given my initial chance to command the social psyche, I know what I'd choose. It's easy and lazy to attach childish names Mr. Whitlock. But like Mr. Moyers putting words in other people's mouths or Mr Whitlock calling folks names, some folks have found a way to incinerate the public conscience without accepting their role as keepers of the flame.
So much like Mr. Whitlock's foray into the world of social commentary, I begin a career into blogging to see where it takes me.
I think if I'd rather be called 'Stupid' or a 'Socialist', I know what I'd choose.
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